"EXTRA, EXTRA, Read all about it!"


Why You NEED TikTok to Make your Business go Viral

TikTok, one of the most popular social media platforms, has quickly become an exceptional advertising tool that has exceeded all expectations.  Having over 1 BILLION active users a month, the exposure you get is next level! Now, you might think that it is too late to enter the market and crush it with your business, but it truly is never too late to jump in! And here is why, every business SHOULD be using this platform: 1- Exposure As already mentioned, the exposure that this platform offers is undeniable. Thanks to its algorithm and creativity, TikTok will increase your brand...


4 Daily Habits of Successful Content Creators

Just like any other profession, being a content creator is a job that requires energy, time, effort and professionalism.  With content marketing being on the rise, it is important to mention that 91% of B2B businesses rely on this strategy to increase their sales. However, not all created content is thumb-stopping and valuable.  So, whether you work in a content marketing company or you are a solo, there are certain steps you can follow that will put you on the right track to becoming a successful content creator. 1- Stay up to date Get in the habit of reading on...


Regram Etiquette: the Do’s and Don’ts of Reposting and Resharing Social Media Posts

We’ve all hesitated when it comes to reposting content onto our social media feed. Whether you’re picking a regram to complement your color grid or you’re just resharing articles, accounts campaigns and anything else that you find inspiring, even the most seasoned of social media experts can make mistakes. Just remember that there’s always something new to learn when it comes to social media etiquette and posting practices! 😊 With many brands reposting UGC content, it might be hard to find the content’s original source unless you requested it yourself. Just follow these cardinal rules and you’ll be okay!  ✔️ Give...


What is UGC? (And Why You Should Be Using It)

Join the Marketing Revolution with this genius strategy! Everyone has been talking about user-generated content (or UGC) lately, especially with the pandemic shutting down many opportunities for fancy campaigns and ornate marketing strategies. UGC has stolen the show because it’s easy, it’s affordable and it’s HONEST, giving your brand and product lots of credibility while building a loyal fanbase and strong following. So, why else should you be using UGC? Let’s let the numbers talk 😏 ➡️ Ads based on UGC receive 4x higher CTRs (clickthrough rates)and a 50% drop in CPR compared to average ads, making them more affordable and...