What do you Need OTHER than UGC for your Business to Sell? – Tagged "#websitetips" – Page 2 – UGC SHOP

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Traditional Content vs. User-Generated Content: What to Choose?

As an e-commerce agency with monthly retainer clients, the most difficult task is pumping different and creative content on a month-to-month basis. Not only is it extremely expensive, time and energy-consuming to plan professional shoots every month, but the content becomes redundant and deja vu.  So, we started thinking of different alternatives that have a high turnover rate, and a real informative, authentic, and creative impact.  Most importantly, we wanted something that converts into sales, and resonates with consumers.  As you may know, the internet has a lot of misleading offers online, as well many fake influencers promoting low-quality white-labeled products....


Regram Etiquette: the Do’s and Don’ts of Reposting and Resharing Social Media Posts

We’ve all hesitated when it comes to reposting content onto our social media feed. Whether you’re picking a regram to complement your color grid or you’re just resharing articles, accounts campaigns and anything else that you find inspiring, even the most seasoned of social media experts can make mistakes. Just remember that there’s always something new to learn when it comes to social media etiquette and posting practices! 😊 With many brands reposting UGC content, it might be hard to find the content’s original source unless you requested it yourself. Just follow these cardinal rules and you’ll be okay!  ✔️ Give...


Save Your Content, Save Yourself! How to Keep Calm and Keep Posting when Social Media Gets to be Too Much

Instagram is overflowing with content, thanks to its 1 billion active monthly users and constant updates. Their introduction of Instagram Reels has also added an even bigger library of content to repost! 😲 Take advantage of the app’s saving feature to keep track of the image or post you like to save yourself the stress and trouble of taking note of the account and searching for it all over again.   Here are a few tips on how to keep track of the regram content you save so that you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy 👇🏽 How to Save:  ✅ Tap...


What is UGC? (And Why You Should Be Using It)

Join the Marketing Revolution with this genius strategy! Everyone has been talking about user-generated content (or UGC) lately, especially with the pandemic shutting down many opportunities for fancy campaigns and ornate marketing strategies. UGC has stolen the show because it’s easy, it’s affordable and it’s HONEST, giving your brand and product lots of credibility while building a loyal fanbase and strong following. So, why else should you be using UGC? Let’s let the numbers talk 😏 ➡️ Ads based on UGC receive 4x higher CTRs (clickthrough rates)and a 50% drop in CPR compared to average ads, making them more affordable and...