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UGC 101: Turning your Customers into UGC Advocates

Being the bread and butter of marketing on social media, user-generated content, also known as UGC, is a very efficient engaging tactic that helps brands showcase their product or service, and allows fans to get featured and grow their social media presence.  This is why, UGC SHOP is here to help you push your customers into becoming UGC advocates. Let us tell you how! 1- Choose social networks that work best for your campaign  It is vital to know where your audience is on social media as well as where advocates leave the most impact.  In fact, one should always...


Traditional Content vs. User-Generated Content: What to Choose?

As an e-commerce agency with monthly retainer clients, the most difficult task is pumping different and creative content on a month-to-month basis. Not only is it extremely expensive, time and energy-consuming to plan professional shoots every month, but the content becomes redundant and deja vu.  So, we started thinking of different alternatives that have a high turnover rate, and a real informative, authentic, and creative impact.  Most importantly, we wanted something that converts into sales, and resonates with consumers.  As you may know, the internet has a lot of misleading offers online, as well many fake influencers promoting low-quality white-labeled products....